N-series GPU instances for Azure Virtual Machines now generally available

Adding to the already available public preview, N-Series virtual machines are now generally available in additional regions: South Central US, East US, West Europe, and Southeast Asia. General availability pricing will take effect on February 1, 2017, for the South Central US region.

N-Series virtual machines are powered in collaboration with NVIDIA and provide best-in-class GPU instances to run compute workloads and visualize data.

NC-based instances for Azure Virtual Machines available

NC-based instances for Azure Virtual Machines are available. These instances are powered by NVIDIA’s Tesla K80 GPUs and provide the compute power required to accelerate the most demanding HPC and AI workloads.

NV-based instances for Azure Virtual Machines available

NV-based instances for Azure Virtual Machines are available. These instances are powered by NVIDIA’s Tesla M60 GPUs and provide NVIDIA’s GRID capabilities on demand.


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