Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on Azure

Finally Microsoft Azure makes Red Hat Enterprise Linux images available for Azure virtual machines.

Here is a brief walk-through of the experience of creating an RHEL 7.2 virtual machine on Azure:

  1. Browse to the new Azure portal ( and login with your account. Create a New > Virtual Machines > See All > Type ‘Red Hat‘ in the search box and press Enter:0-NewVM
  2. Select Red Hat Enterprise Linux image version of your choice .
  3. Fill out the required details like VM name, a username, password, resource group, subscription and location nearest to you:1-CreateVM.png
  4. Next , choose an appropriate size for your VM. All available sizes can be viewed by clicking on View all link on top right of the ‘Choose a Size’ blade:2-SizeA2
  5. Provide the required storage and network details in the next blade:3-Storage
  6. Review your choices on the Summary page and click Create:4-Summary
  7. Once the VM is successfully created, note its allocated public IP address from the details pane in the azure portal:5-Created
  8. Now, you can use any SSH client like Putty to connect to this VM using SSH:6-UsingPuttyToConnect
  9. Now you may issue RHEL commands like:
    1. ip addr
    2. 7-RHELInfo
    3. $ su passwd root (to set root password)
    4. $ yum groupinstall (to install packages)8-YumInstallXWindwSystem


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